Project: Wonderkitten little illustration 101

Thursday, March 28, 2013
Project: Wonderkitten little illustration 101
插畫小品 101 project

Wonderkitten little illustration 101 , some little illustration that give little thought and little happiness.

01) Keep Searching . 尋找



02) Space out. It does your brain good.



I want a hug...

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

I want a hug

Sketching progress

Released!- Wonderkitten Classic Tee 1.0 (Logo單品Tee,Wonderkitten經典貓樣Tee 1.0)

Monday, March 4, 2013
Wonderkitten Classic Tee 1.0 
Logo單品Tee,Wonderkitten經典貓樣Tee 1.0

After 7 year, WONDERKITTEN finally released the “Wonderkitten Classic Tee 1.0” in 2013. This is the must have item for people who like Wonderkitten. 

The design featured our signature character, Midnight the funny fat cat. This round the fat cat appered in his innocent yet funny expression. Wonderkitten keeps it simple by using the cold grey tee with single dark brown silhouett print. 

- Super Soft 30 thread count cotton. 
- Lightweight. - Tailored fit.
- And they are all BIO-WASHED! Bio-washed fabrics are good in nature and very eco friendly! This will have smooth feel and will give a luster effect. BIO-WASHED fabric also protects our skin from acne, allergy, eczema, chronic itching, etc~ 
創辦了7年的Wonderkitten, 在2013年推出了首件Logo單品Tee --Wonderkitten經典貓樣Tee 1.0。 這次的貓樣Tee 1.0以常在插畫中出現的大肥貓為主軸, “串”臉貓樣加上 Wonderkitten logo呈現,配上冷冷的淺灰單色tee。這件單品是wonderkitten 支持者的必敗單品。

Buy the item at